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December 2017

Creative Life : I Am Pusheen the Cat cookies

By lucy yuan 7 years ago 4037 Views No comments

A food blogger Samanha most like to make I Am Pusheen the Cat cookies, eating potato chips cat, eating noddles cat, eating chocolate cat , drinking coffee cat, drining milk tea cat ... everyone of them is very cuty, it looks too lovely to eat them.☺

Creative Design : ceramic plates series

By lucy yuan 7 years ago 3606 Views No comments

Some nice plates photo for the Christmas , which one you like just contact me.☺

Creative Life : Merry Christmas !

By lucy yuan 7 years ago 3634 Views No comments

Creative cake by different style, would you like to eat during Christmas party ?

Creative Life : Cartoon food

By lucy yuan 7 years ago 3631 Views No comments

Disney true love 'Mikey", He not only likes to collect all kinds of Disney, but also good at making all the cartoon characters look with rice .(photo from:omgiri)

Creative Life: Daily drinks

By lucy yuan 7 years ago 3574 Views No comments

Daily drinks from blogger "s.apch", where to go where to drink.☻(ps: Filter tone is nice )

Creative Life : Cold weather with warm coffee

By lucy yuan 7 years ago 3244 Views No comments

Cold weather ,let's have some deserts to cure our mood. below some dilicious cake with nice coffee cup photos ,get it to have some coffee now ☺