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November 2019

Big Sale! Chirstmas Season Promotion - custommugcup.com

By lucy yuan 5 years ago 5288 Views No comments

Big sale coming ! Christmas season celebration , all the production in custommugcup.com in bottom price with 5% discount + $2 coupon + $200-$10,

$400-$20, $600-$40 . low price that you never image . buy a gift for your parents , lovers ,friends, children ,classmates ,workmates.

company or shop promotion, school or activity celebration all in custommugcup.com .

Come on , miss this chance ,wait for one more year !

126th Canton Fair in Guangzhou China

By lucy yuan 5 years ago 3797 Views No comments

The China Import and Export Fair (126th Canton Fair) held in Guangzhou , we attend the fair from Oct.23th to 27th.

there are many new designs and shapes ,very popular ~

Do you ever know the feeling when kissed by the unlike person?

By lucy yuan 5 years ago 8761 Views No comments

Do you ever know the feeling when kissed by the unlike person? the cat will be tell you ? so cute ~