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July 2019

Climbing Mountains Goats

By lucy yuan 5 years ago 2512 Views No comments

It turns out that goats can really climb mountains, and a climbing master! that's incredible !

Do you think i am a good cooker ?

By lucy yuan 5 years ago 3419 Views No comments

Dilicious food with most suitable tablewares.

Cann't wait to eat now ☺

Company Team-building Activities

By lucy yuan 5 years ago 3562 Views No comments

July 6th, Our company - Liling Spring Ceramic Industry Co., Ltd has held the company team builing activities at Yueyang city.

Love and courage, team work is our partners had shown. Love you all :)

Summer Promotion From July to August

By lucy yuan 5 years ago 2886 Views No comments

Hot summber coming , it is better to drink more water . Custommugcup.com feedback the regular or new customer ,5% off wholesale for all the products.

whats more , 100 Coupon limited supply , USE CODE : Cool Summer.

What are you waiting for ? get the mugs now here !

color change mug

photo mugplastic cup

Summer Coming, What do you hate most ?

By lucy yuan 5 years ago 3012 Views No comments

In the hot summber , what do you hate most ? the hot tempreture ? or mosquito?

I hate the mosquito most , they flying everywhere and stay everywhere , like the photos below , i really don't know how they go inside :)

plastic cup